Pebbles skimming on water.

The Skim — April 2019’s business inspiration summary

11th April 2019

Spring has truly sprung — avoid a seasonal chocolate overdose by delving into our business brain pickings.

There’s sage advice on maintaining culture while scaling up your enterprise, resetting your mind to increase resilience and much more.

Melanie Whelan

'The overarching philosophy is that we're a culture of “yes”. We believe that there's a “yes” in every interaction — with a colleague, with a rider, with anyone you come across in your day. We empower our teams to make that “yes” happen'.

In this inspirational episode of the Tony Robbins podcast, keep-fit empire SoulCycle’s CEO Melanie Whelan talks frankly to Tony about protecting company culture while scaling up from 7 locations to 70 that serve 4 million customers a year.

For Melanie, ‘hiring for attitude and aptitude instead of experience’ is key to delivering SoulCycle’s supreme customer service.

Listen to the rest of Melanie’s podcast here

Natalie Eckdahl

‘We’re comparing our insides to other people’s outsides’

Natalie Eckdahl is founder of the BizChix Community which empowers female entrepreneurs, a renowned corporate coach and bestselling author of business strategy bible RESET Your Mindset: Silence Your Inner Mean Girl.

In this episode of the 5 Minute Success podcast, Natalie chats to host Karen Briscoe about the dangers of comparing your journey to success with those of fellow businesspeople through the skewed lens of social media, and tactics for resetting your mind to become resilient.

Hear what else Natalie has to say here

Anthony Casalena

'At the end of the day I've made so many mistakes and it would be silly to think I'm not making them now. But hopefully I'm more attuned to them and faster at resolving them.’

Anthony Casalena set up web-building tool Squarespace as a 21-year-old solo entrepreneur in 2003 and has grown it to a $1.7 billion enterprise with 800 employees.

In this edition of the How I Built This podcast, he talks to host Guy Raz about learning and growing through failures as well as successes and delegating authority to avoid burnout.

Listen to the rest of Anthony’s interview here

Laura Moffat

‘A project without a video only has a 15% chance of success, while a project with video has a 37% chance of success.’

Laura Moffat started conscientious clothing brand Kirrin Finch to meet the demand for menswear-inspired styles which fit female and non-binary bodies brilliantly.

But before she could break barriers with her couture range, she chose to source startup funds through crowdfunding rather than approaching banks or traditional investors. Her pertinent article in Medium about running a successful Kickstarter campaign covers everything from the persuasive power of video to developing relationships with bloggers.

Read Laura’s enlightening article here

The Skim will return in May, when summer will be just around the corner.

To keep your business brain ticking over in the meantime, browse these excellent blogs:

10 traits of a terrific manager
7 workplace behaviours that make you irreplaceable